Kids, Ask Me About God  – By Reverend Tornquist

Kids, Ask Me About God
– By Reverend Tornquist

[Note from the staff at VFTB: This week, we are privileged to feature a LIVE CHAT with noted Christian evangelist Reverend Norman Tornquist, host of the popular webcast, Kids, Ask Me About God. Tornquist is the renowned author of children’s books including God Loves Kids with Braces Too, and Skittles – The Devil’s Gateway Snack. We join the LIVE CHAT already in progress….]

Kids ask me about GodReverend Tornquist: I see we have a question from Sophie. Hello, Sophie. How old are you?

Sophie: Hi, Reverend Toadkiss. I’m four years old.

Tornquist: That’s Tornquist. An understandable mistake.

Sophie: Whatever. I wanted to know – Is God left-handed like me?

Tornquist: What an interesting question, Sophie. I really don’t know. I will have to pray about that one.

Sophie: So what you’re saying is you know nothing about God. How did you ever get to become a priest?

Tornquist: Actually, Sophie, I’m not a priest. I’m a minister. I see that Billy has a question. Go ahead, Billy. How old are you?

Billy: I’m eight. Hey, Cardinal Tornquist –

Tornquist: Actually it’s Reverend Tornquist, Billy. What’s your question about God?

Billy: I want to know, where does God go to the bathroom?

Tornquist: Another fascinating question. Thank you, Billy. Well, God is all-powerful. So, I guess he can go to the bathroom anywhere he wants. When it rains in the forest, maybe that’s God’s way of peeing.

Billy: Wow, I had no idea God had to pee so much. Maybe he has a tiny bladder. Sure hope my parents never make me go on any more camping trips. I never knew how gross the outdoors was. Thanks, Cardinal T.
